Grade Appeal
- View the policy on the Catalog website
Grades and Grade Point Average (GPA) Calculation
- Learn how to calculate your GPA
- View the pass/fail policy on the Catalog website
Class Rank Data
- Undergraduate Class Rank Data from previous years
Undergraduate Dean's Lists, Honors & Awards
- Dean's List
- Dean's List with Distinction
- Full and Half-Time Honors & Awards
Incomplete Grade Information
- What is an Incomplete grade?
- Incomplete grade process
- Timeframe to resolve the Incomplete grade
Frequently Asked Questions
The grade of I may be awarded only at the end of a term, when the following criteria is met:
- all but a minor portion of the course work has been satisfactorily completed
- the student is unable to finish due to extenuating circumstances
it would be possible for the student to earn a passing grade once the remaining coursework is completed
Learn more about the Incomplete Grade process.
Yes, but you will have to change your degree date to the term in which you will complete the coursework for that course. All coursework (required or elective) must be complete on the day before the graduation date. Taking an incomplete in a course in your final semester means that you did not finish all coursework in time for your degree date.
Yes, but you will have to change your degree date to the term in which you will complete the coursework for that course. All coursework (required or elective) must be completed on the day before the graduation date. Taking an incomplete in a course in your final semester means that you did not finish all coursework in time for your degree date.
For most classes, a grade of D is the lowest passing grade that will earn course credit. Some colleges require a grade of C or better to receive credit for core or upper-division courses, or courses taken as a prerequisite.
Students should contact an academic advisor for specific requirements for their program.
Graduate and professional programs have specific requirements for passing grades.
A student may appeal their final course grade by using the following procedures. The current process, deadlines, and the grade appeal form are defined by the Office of the Registrar.
Prior to filing an official grade appeal, the student should discuss the concerns with the course instructor or faculty member responsible for the course. It is important for a student to initiate this conversation as soon as possible in order to meet the deadline should they choose to file an appeal.
If concerns over a course grade are not resolved satisfactorily after speaking with the instructor, students may file a grade appeal. Valid reasons for appeal include:
- violation of university policy
- failure to follow published course policies
- inconsistent grading within the student’s course section
- disagreement over factual accuracy of graded work
Invalid reasons for appeal include:
- disagreement with published course policies
- differences in grading policies between other courses or sections of the same course
- impact of disputed grade on student’s academic progress or eligibility
The steps of the grade appeal process are available at this link: Grade Appeal.
You may be eligible for a Grade Replacement Opportunity (GRO) or to repeat the class.
Review our GRO & Repeats page for information.
An "I" grade does not affect GPA unless it is changed to another letter grade once the remainder of the coursework is completed. For more information about the “I” grade please visit the webpage:
Please contact
Courses such as directed research, dissertation, or a thesis are for ongoing projects. Students are likely to enroll in multiple units across multiple terms. The grading of these types of units must follow the grading basis of the course, usually S/P/F.
- S = Superior (superior achievement and progress on said project has been made)
- P = Passing (student has made appropriate progress on their project)
- F = Failure (Student did not make progress on the project)
In most cases, students will earn a ‘P’ indicating the project is continuing and the student is making satisfactory progress.
Per policy, instructors have 48 hours after the final has been administered. Review our Reporting Final Grades page for information.