Winter Session
Enrolling in a winter session class gives you an opportunity to accelerate progress towards a degree, focus on more difficult classes, or lighten credit loads during the academic year. Because of the short term length, winter classes are accelerated, which means you can earn your credit hours in less time.
All students pay in-state tuition fees for winter session and basic charges for Winter Session are broken down on the Bursar's website. Look to the Schedule of Classes and use your Shopping Cart to plan your schedule. If you still have questions, work with your academic advisor or graduate program to see if winter session fits into your plan for academic success.
Current Students
Students currently enrolled at the University of Arizona during the fall semester, as graduate or undergraduate, degree or non-degree seeking student, do not need to apply to the following winter session, and are already eligible for registration. Look to the Schedule of Classes and use your Shopping Cart to plan your schedule.
Visiting Undergraduate Students, Non-Degree Seeking —"Winter Only"
Visiting domestic students who plan to take classes only in the winter, can apply for admission with the Winter Only Application. Be sure to check with your home college or university for rules and procedures for transferring credits from the University of Arizona to your institution.
Undergraduate Winter Only Application
Visiting Graduate Students, Non-Degree Seeking —"Winter Only"
Graduate students who are interested in taking courses without pursuing a degree from the University of Arizona can begin the process by filling out the Non-Degree Seeking Graduate Student Application. Be sure to check with your home college or university for rules and procedures for transferring credits from the University of Arizona to your institution.
Application Fee for Undergraduate or Graduate College Single-Term Admission:
- In State: $50
- Out Of State: $80
Prospective Degree Seeking Students
Follow this link if you want to learn more about the application process and requirements to be admitted to the University of Arizona.