Resource Guide: Micro-Credential Creation & Approval

about this guide

The University of Arizona identifies micro-credentials as an opportunity to help drive student success in a rapidly changing world and to adapt quickly to the needs of our students and state. Consistent with the university's mission, micro-credentials serve as a tool to address the diverse needs of learners through innovation by providing students with a way to demonstrate skills and knowledge increasingly sought after by employers.  

This resource guide outlines and explains the university’s current efforts with regard to digital credentialing and will be updated periodically to reflect new initiatives, strategies, etc. Contents of this guide include: 

  • Micro-Credential Proposal Submission, Approval, Marketing and Awarding 

  • Micro-Credential Changes & Termination

  • Micro-Credential Review Committee

  • Badge Taxonomy 

  • Miro-Credential & Digital Badging Policies  

Micro-Credential Proposal Submission, Approval, Marketing and Awarding 

To support the development of new micro-credentials, a Micro-Credential Proposal form is available directly in our academic catalog platform, Coursedog, simplifying the submission and approval process.  

Step 1: Getting Started 

For proposal inquiries, please contact to discuss ideas and obtain access to Coursedog. At this time, discuss micro-credential ideas with department leadership to: 

  • Avoid duplication with an existing course or Micro-Credential and,

  • Establish partnerships with other units as appropriate. 

Step 2: Proposal

Step 3: Routing to Academic Units

Step 4: Bringing in Co-curricular Departments

  • Review the micro-credential idea and the proposal with the department director and enter the person’s contact information in the proposal where indicated. Contact with the authorized party will be initiated as needed. 

Step 5: Review Process

Proposals submitted through Coursedog will be reviewed by the Micro-Credential Committee within two months. The review process includes: 

  • Tracking: Progress of the review process may be seen in Coursedog. 

  • Request for Additional Information: When additional information is needed to make a determination the Alternative Credential Coordinator will contact the submitter to obtain the necessary information. 

  • Approval: Upon approval, the Alternative Credentials Coordinator creates the digital badge, enters the Micro-Credential into Credly, and sends a communication to the submitter.  

  • Denial: In the event a proposal is not accepted, the Alternative Credential Coordinator sends the submitter an email outlining the cause for denial. 

Step 6: Marketing

Departments are responsible for marketing their micro-credentials. Resources are available through Credly to aid in marketing.

Step 7: Badge Awarding

Digital badges are to be awarded through Credly within 14 calendar days of earning, to learners who meet required micro-credential criteria. Issuing departments are responsible for ensuring compliance of badge awards. Certificates may be issued in companionship with a digital badge. 

Micro_cred workflow diagram
UCATTOffice of the RegistrarDepartment 
Platform useApprovalsSME

Technology training

  • Issuer onboarding
  • Learner inquiries 

Ensure consistency of content and design

  • enter new micro-credential
  • provide badge design
Track learner enrollment and progress

Audit badges awarded

  • monitor badge sharing
Awards badge to learners
micro-credential changes & Termination
Micro-Credential Changes

Contact the Alternative Credential Coordinator to determine if a Micro-Credential Modify form is appropriate. 

Micro-Credential Termination

To discontinue use or archive a Micro-Credential submit a Micro-Credential Terminate form in Coursedog. Contact the Alternative Credentials Coordinator for Coursedog access.

micro-credential committee

The Micro-Credential Committee serves as the governing body for micro-credentials. Micro-Credential Proposals are reviewed to ensure that the credential:

  • Has value for learners and employers
  • Outcomes align with the audience
  • Earning criteria are appropriate and relevant
  • University mission and values are upheld

The Micro-Credential Committee is chaired by the Alternative Credential Coordinator. Members consist of faculty and student-supporting staff of the University of Arizona. The committee meets during the academic year on a 5-week cadence. 

badge taxonomy

Digital Badge Categories Offered by the University of Arizona

Earner Type
Badge Design

Shape/Color (level 1)

Color Information
Use of Block "A"
Additional Levels

(begin at 2 if only 3, begin at 3 if only 2)


badge undergraduate

Arizona Blue, Arizona Red, White


Background color changes from Azurite (1), Cool Gray (2), Sky (3), to Arizona Blue (4/final/only). Arizona Red for uber badge only.


graduate badge

Arizona Blue, Arizona Red, White


Background color changes from Azurite (1), Cool Gray (2), Sky (3), to Arizona Blue (4/final/only). Arizona Red for uber badge only.

Continuing & Professional Education

contin proff education badge

Arizona Blue, Arizona Red, White


Background color changes from Azurite (1), Cool Gray (2), Sky (3), to Arizona Blue (4/final/only). Arizona Red for uber badge only.

Undergraduate/ Graduate/ Continuing & Professional Education (2 or ALL)

badge cont education

Arizona Blue, Arizona Red, White


Background color changes from Azurite (1), Cool Gray (2), Sky (3), to Arizona Blue (4/final/only). Arizona Red for uber badge only.

U of A Community Programs

badge comm programs

Arizona Blue, Arizona Red, White


Background color changes from Azurite (1), Cool Gray (2), Sky (3), to Arizona Blue (4/final/only). Arizona Red for uber badge only.

U of A High School & Community College Programs

highschool programs badge

Arizona Blue, Arizona Red, White


Background color changes from Azurite (1), Cool Gray (2), Sky (3), to Arizona Blue (4/final/only). Arizona Red for uber badge only.

WIldcat Journey (Engagement)

Badge Wildcat Journey

Arizona Blue, Arizona Red, Warm Gray, White


The background color is warm gray. No changes.

Participation (not a micro-credential)

participation badge

Arizona Blue, Arizona Red, White


The background color is white. No changes.


Micro-Credential & Digital Badging Policies
  • This policy applies to all electronic badges issued by The University of Arizona. This policy does not preclude other forms of recognition or awards. If uncertainty exists, contact Erin Riesgo, Alternative Credentials Coordinator (


Micro-Credentials and Digital Badge Issuance
  • Micro-credentials and digital badges themselves are non-credit-bearing.
  • Digital badges are associated with learning demonstrated through University of Arizona learning activities.
    • The University of Arizona will not award digital badges for any course, program, or experience in which University of Arizona faculty/staff do not assess completed work.
  • All issuance of micro-credentials from the University of Arizona are managed and overseen by the Office of the Registrar. As such, the creation of digital badges is conducted and managed by the Alternative Credentials Coordinator, a member of the Office of the Registrar. Digital badges issued by the university are considered to be an official credential of an individual. 
  • Once issued, badges are controlled by the learner, though information about or within them be updated or, in some cases, revoked, as needed
Need Help? Contact Us! 

Please contact the Office of the Registrar at  with any questions regarding micro-credentials and badges.

created 1/2025