Resource Guide: Reviewing Curricular Proposals

about this guide

Faculty and staff reviewers of University of Arizona micro-credential proposals can view and discuss these proposals on the online platform. Depending on their role in the process, reviewers will also be able to vote on these proposals. 


If you received an email notification regarding a proposal, click the link provided in the email to open the proposal directly. Otherwise, begin by navigating to If the link in the previous sentence does not direct you to the login page, copy and paste it into the address bar of your preferred web browser. 

Step 1: In the Sign In box, enter your email address. 

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Step 2: Clicking Next will take you to the usual Single Sign-On page where you will enter your UA NetID and associated password. If the Next screen offers you multiple “products” to choose from, please notify the Office of the Registrar at

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Any proposal awaiting action from you will be listed on your dashboard under Things to do, which you will see immediately upon logging in.

Step 1:  Click on a proposal to open it. If you wish to see all that are assigned to you, regardless of review status, select My Proposals under the Actions label on the right. If nothing appears under Things to do, then you have no proposals currently awaiting action.

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Note: Upon your initial login to the Coursedog website, you may find it beneficial to make a few adjustments to customize your dashboard settings. Please see the Setup Tips section below for guidance on recommended changes.



Step 1: After clicking to open a proposal, you will see it in full detail on the left-hand side of the screen. Use the scroll bar near the center of the page to view the entire proposal. 

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Next to the proposal itself is the Proposal Toolbox, where you will take action when your vote is needed. We’ll look more closely at this area in the following three sections.



Step 1: On the right-hand side of the screen is the Proposal Toolbox, where you will record your decision. You will have the option to leave a comment when submitting your decision; when rejecting a proposal, you may be required to comment.

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Step 2: To record your vote, select Approve or Reject. If required or desired, leave a note in the comment box below that. When ready, click Submit Decision.

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Note: if you are voting as a member of a committee, the proposal will remain at this step until the approval or rejection threshold has been met. 


Step 3: During this time, if you wish to change your vote, you may do so by clicking the prompt below your previous vote

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Step 4: Depending on the proposal and your role, you may be asked to make specific decisions regarding part of the proposal — for example, approving or denying the inclusion of a crosslisting for a course — rather than accepting or rejecting the proposal as a whole. In this case, select your decision, then leave a note in the comment box if required or desired. When ready, click Submit Decision.

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Step 1: By clicking on workflow under the Proposal Toolbox label, you can discern which steps in the review process have been completed, as well as which are still pending. 

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Step 2: Clicking on individual steps in the workflow will reveal a popup window with information such as:

  • Persons or committees associated with the step; 
  • Course of action if the proposal is rejected at that step; and
  • Any deadline that may apply
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Step 1. You can quickly review the activity on a proposal by selecting the activity tab.

If the proposal is for a new course, program, micro-credential, policy, etc., this area will also indicate every field filled out by the author (some may contain data codes and appear to be a random sequence of numbers and letters); you will have to scroll past it to see approval activity.

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Step 1: In order to simplify your experience, it is recommend to apply a number of filters to your Proposals dashboard. To do this, select the Filter icon. 

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In particular, we recommend setting the Document Type to the type or types of proposal you will be reviewing and Status to include only Pending and Suspended. This will, respectively, eliminate from view documents irrelevant to your role and hide any completed submissions. If you typically review multiple types of proposals — for example, both course and program proposals — you can select multiple Document Types. 

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Step 2: You can determine what proposal information displays on your dashboard by clicking to open the Columns menu and selecting or deselecting fields to your satisfaction. The available fields are listed alphabetically, and you can rearrange your selections by clicking and dragging them where you prefer.  

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While there is no limit to the number of display fields you can select, please note that each field selected expands the page horizontally; beyond a certain number, you may not be able to see everything on the screen at once and may have to scroll to the right to see more.

Step 3: To save these settings for the future, you will save them as a view. Select the Saved Views icon on your dashboard page, then Save Current View.

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Step 4: Give this view a name that is descriptive and easy for you to recognize, then Save.

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Note: You can create multiple separate views and save them individually; for example, you may find it helpful to create a view to see recently approved proposals separate from pending ones. 

Step 5: Views can be created for and applied to select other areas, including the Courses and Programs pages. To determine which views you will see by default, open your account settings by clicking on the person icon. In the Default Views area, select individual saved views as appropriate from the dropdown menus. Changes made on this page are saved automatically.

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Step 1: You have the option of receiving proposal activity notifications on an immediate basis or collected into a single daily digest email. To record your preference, click on the person icon in the upper right corner of the page and select Account Preferences, then scroll to the Request Email Notification Preferences section at the bottom of the page. 

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Need Help? Contact Us! 

Please contact the Office of the Registrar at  with any questions regarding the proposal review process.

created 1/2025