Resource Guide: Combined Section Set-Up

about Combining Class sections

Class combinations are used to deliver a single instructional experience for multiple groups of students. Class sections are first scheduled individually and then combined for the instructor to deliver what appears to be a single class from the student’s perspective. Types of class combinations include: combined sections of the same course, cross-listed classes, and co-convened class sections. Class combinations have the same meeting pattern and instructor.

how to set up a combined section

Step 1: Navigate to the Combined Sections Table tile.



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Once in the Combined Sections Table, input the desired values into the Term and Session fields. Combined sections are unique to each term/session. Searching with only the term value will return a long list of data results.


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Step 2: To locate the desired combination from the results we recommend the Control Find keyboard navigation tool (Ctrl + F) to find existing combined sections using the following format: [subject code] [catalog number] 

If the combined section exists, select View Combined Sections to update. If the combined section does not exist, select the plus sign to add a row and create a new combined section using the formatting guidelines below.

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Combined Section Formatting Guidelines 
Combined List TypeRuleDescription Examples 
CombinedSame course with different campuses or honors/non-honors

Long: LIS 470 101/201 

Short: LIS470_101

Cross Listed Same course title, different subject codes

Long: LIS 470 XLIST 101/201

Short: LIS470_101

Cros Listed and Co-ConvenedSame course title, different subject codes, different catalog numbers

Long: LIS 470/570 XLIST 101/201 

Short: LIS470_101

Co-convenedSame class SUB and title, different catalog numbers

Long: LIS 470/570 101/201

Short: LIS470_101



Step 3: Once the combination is located, select View Combined Sections to input details in the corresponding fields:

  • Combination Type (see step 2)
  • Requested Room Capacity
  • Enrollment Capacity (total for all combined sections)
  • Wait List Capacity (total for all combined sections)
  • Class Nbr. This is where you set the rules for all classes in the combination. 
  • After inputting the details, select Save.


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need help? contact us! 

Please contact RCS with any questions regarding how to combine class sections. Reach us via email: or phone: 520-621-3313.  

updated 11/2024