Residency Classification Navigator

female student hiking in desert, looking into sunset

Determining Arizona Residency for Tuition Purposes

Uncertain of which forms or processes to complete? Answer a series of yes/no questions on the residency navigator to determine if you are a resident or non-resident student for tuition purposes.

If you are a non-citizen, please review Visa Types & Residency Eligibility.

Have you been accepted to The University of Arizona?

Are you stationed in Arizona?

You may be eligible for residency. Please review residency criteria listed on the Residency Classification website. If you meet the criteria, please submit a Petition to Change Residency Classification.

Are you a continuing student?

Please complete the Statement of Residency Classification (SORC) to verify your residency for tuition purposes.

Upon acceptance, please complete the Statement of Residency Classification (SORC) to verify your residency for tuition purposes.

Are you a new or readmitted student?

Are you active military (including National Guard or Reserves?)

Are you a member of a federally recognized Arizona Tribe?

Do you have a Certificate of Indian Blood or a Tribal Identification Card?

Were you transferred to Arizona by your employer (or spouse's employer)?

The Native American Exception may apply to your situation.

Do your parents live in Arizona and are they eligible to claim you as a tax dependent?

Have you been physically present in Arizona for the past 12 months?

The Honorably Discharged Veteran Exception may apply to your situation.

Are you the spouse or dependent of a veteran?

Are you a veteran of the U.S. Military?

You may be eligible for residency. Please submit a Domicile Affidavit and 2 LES forms indicating Arizona is your home of record (1 LES form should be from 12 months ago and 1 LES should be recently dated).

Is your home of record in Arizona?

The Military Stationed in Arizona Exception may apply to your situation.

Are you the spouse or dependent of an active military member?

The Teacher on Contract Exception may apply to your situation.

Did you complete a year of service in Arizona with either AmeriCorps or VISTA?

Are you enrolled in courses necessary to complete the requirements for certification by the State Board of Education to teach in an Arizona school district?

The Dependent Exception may apply to your situation.

Do you have proof of payment or reimbursement of moving expenses by your employer or your spouse's employer?

Are you married to an Arizona resident who has lived in Arizona for the past 12 months?

Are you employed full-time as a teacher or teacher's aid in an Arizona school district?

Are you a doctoral graduate student?

Will you be using any of the following: Chapter 30 Montgomery GI Bill Active Duty (MGIB-AD), Chapter 31 Veteran Readiness and Employment, Chapter 33 Post-9/11 GI Bill, Chapter 35 DEA, or The Marine Gunnery Sargent John David Fry Scholarship?

Based on your responses, it appears you do not meet the Arizona Board of Regent (ABOR) residency criteria. Please review general residency guidelines.
If you have additional questions, please reach out to the Residency Classification (520) 621-3113

Please review general residency guidelines. If you have additional questions, please reach out to the Residency Classifications Office at: 520-621-3133

Yo, you clicked No! We will stop here!

Are you an active duty US Federal Service member? This includes Foreign Service and the Intelligence Community.

By the first day of school will you have been stationed or on contract in Arizona for more than 30 days?

Review the Federal Service in Arizona criteria to determine if this may apply to your situation.

Do you claim Arizona as your legal state of residence?

Review the Federal Service Outside Arizona criteria to determine if this may apply to your situation. You may be eligible for residency. Please submit a Domicile Affidavit and copy of orders or contract indicating their place of service, state and federal tax form for prior tax year and/or W2, most recent pay stub showing Arizona address and witholding and Arizona driver's license.

Based on your responses, it appears you do not meet the Arizona Board of Regent (ABOR) residency criteria. Please review general residency guidelines. If you have additional questions, please reach out to the Residency Classification (520) 621-3113.

Are you the spouse or dependent student of a member of a qualifying Federal Service who is on active duty?

By the first day of school will the Federal Service member have been stationed or on contract in Arizona for more than 30 days?

Review the Federal Service in Arizona criteria to determine if this may apply to your situation.

Does the Federal Service member claim Arizona as their legal state of residence?

Review the Federal Service Outside Arizona criteria to determine if this may apply to your situation. You may be eligible for residency. Please submit a Domicile Affidavit and copy of orders or contract indicating their place of service, state and federal tax form for prior tax year and/or W2, most recent pay stub showing Arizona address and witholding and Arizona driver's license.

Based on your responses, it appears you do not meet the Arizona Board of Regent (ABOR) residency criteria. Please review general residency guidelines. If you have additional questions, please reach out to the Residency Classification (520) 621-3113.

Based on your responses, it appears you do not meet the Arizona Board of Regent (ABOR) residency criteria. Please review general residency guidelines. If you have additional questions, please reach out to the Residency Classification (520) 621-3113.

The Transferred Employeed Exception may apply to your situation.

Are you a citizen of the Federated States of Micronesia, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, or the Republic of Palau?

Review the Citizens of Freely Associated States criteria to determine if this may apply to your situation.

Based on your responses, it appears you do not meet the Arizona Board of Regent (ABOR) residency criteria. Please review general residency guidelines.If you have additional questions, please reach out to the Residency Classification (520) 621-3113.

Question: Have you been accepted to The University of Arizona?

Your response: Yes No

Question: Are you active military (including National Guard or Reserves?)

Your response: Yes No

Question: Are you a new or readmitted student?

Your response: Yes No

Question: Are you a continuing student?

Your response: Yes No

Question: Are you stationed in Arizona?

Your response: Yes No

Question: Do you have a Certificate of Indian Blood or a Tribal Identification Card?

Your response: Yes No

Question: Were you transferred to Arizona by your employer (or spouse's employer)?

Your response: Yes No

Question: Do your parents live in Arizona and are they eligible to claim you as a tax dependent?

Your response: Yes No

Question: Are you the spouse or dependent of an active military member?

Your response: Yes No

Question: Is your home of record in Arizona?

Your response: Yes No

Question: Are you a veteran of the U.S. Military?

Your response: Yes No

Question: Are you the spouse or dependent of a veteran?

Your response: Yes No

Question: Have you been physically present in Arizona for the past 12 months?

Your response: Yes No

Question: Are you a member of a federally recognized Arizona Tribe?

Your response: Yes No

Question: Do you have proof of payment or reimbursement of moving expenses by your employer or your spouse's employer?

Your response: Yes No

Question: Are you enrolled in courses necessary to complete the requirements for certification by the State Board of Education to teach in an Arizona school district?

Your response: Yes No

Question: Did you complete a year of service in Arizona with either AmeriCorps or VISTA?

Your response: Yes No

Question: Are you married to an Arizona resident who has lived in Arizona for the past 12 months?

Your response: Yes No

Question: Are you employed full-time as a teacher or teacher's aid in an Arizona school district?

Your response: Yes No

Question: Are you a doctoral graduate student?

Your response: Yes No

Question: Will you be using any of the following: Chapter 30 Montgomery GI Bill Active Duty (MGIB-AD), Chapter 31 Veteran Readiness and Employment, Chapter 33 Post-9/11 GI Bill, Chapter 35 DEA, or The Marine Gunnery Sargent John David Fry Scholarship?

Your response: Yes No

Question: Yo, you clicked No! We will stop here!

Your response: Yes No

Question: Are you an active duty US Federal Service member? This includes Foreign Service and the Intelligence Community.

Your response: Yes No

Question: By the first day of school will you have been stationed or on contract in Arizona for more than 30 days?

Your response: Yes No

Question: Do you claim Arizona as your legal state of residence?

Your response: Yes No

Question: Are you the spouse or dependent student of a member of a qualifying Federal Service who is on active duty?

Your response: Yes No

Question: By the first day of school will the Federal Service member have been stationed or on contract in Arizona for more than 30 days?

Your response: Yes No

Question: Does the Federal Service member claim Arizona as their legal state of residence?

Your response: Yes No

Question: Are you a citizen of the Federated States of Micronesia, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, or the Republic of Palau?

Your response: Yes No

Residency Classification Office 
Administration Building, Room 210 

Need to review general residency guidelines?


Have questions?

If you’re ever confused or have questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the Residency Classification office.