Last updated 3/30/2021
This page is to provide updates and information for the Spring 2021 semester from the Office of the Registrar. Please visit the main University COVID-19 website for the most updated official guidance.
Spring 2021 Schedule of Classes
NEW: Stage 3 In-Person and Flex In-Person classes began meeting in person on Monday, March 29th.

If your class is part of this Stage 3 group, the following note will appear in the Class Details section of the schedule of classes in UAccess Student Center.
Stage 2 In-Person and Flex In-Person classes began meeting in person on Monday February 22nd.
If your class is part of this Stage 2 group, the following note will appear in the Class Details section of the schedule of classes in UAccess Student Center.
Updates to the schedule of classes, including the stage determination of classes, are updated in UAccess. Additional updates may be made to individual classes.
Students are encouraged to review the information below and to connect with their academic advisor or Graduate College contact.
How to View Class Details for Stage and Class Format

- Class Dates
- Class Format
- Stage
- Details on Class Format
- Meeting Pattern for Flex Classes
- Meeting Day, Time, Location (if stage is active)
Class Formats
The class formats for Spring 2021 will be the same as Fall 2020.
The Road Back | The Class Formats
View more details about this video
Students | Parents/Legal Guardians/Others |
Tutorials on how to view the schedule and identify class formats |
Tutorial on how to view the schedule and identify class formats in UAccess Guest Center |
More information on how to register for classes including tutorials.
Spring Break 2021 has been replaced by a number of Reading Days.
The Academic Calendar and Dates and Deadlines have been updated.
The following days will be designated as Reading Days and will allow students and instructors to take needed breaks during the academic term:
- Thursday, February 25, 2021
- Tuesday, March 9, 2021
- Wednesday, March 10, 2021
- Friday, April 2, 2021
- Wednesday, April 21, 2021
PDF: Spring 2021 Reading Days Recommendations for Instructors
Classes that will meet on Reading Days are noted in the Schedule of Classes - Class Details

In Person
Students and instructors attend class in person with enhanced health protections, including wearing face coverings and decreasing classroom density. Students must review the class details on UAccess to identify when in-person instruction will begin.
Flex in-Person
Students participate in a mix of in-person and online modes. For example, you may be in a rotating group that alternates between in-person and online meetings following the weekly class schedule. Or you may participate in lectures online and labs in person. The exact mix of in-person and online will be determined by your instructor. Students must review the class details on UAccess to identify when in-person instruction will begin.
Live Online
The instructor and students are online simultaneously, and your instructor provides content in a live online platform.
For the majority of coursework, students and instructors are not required to be online simultaneously, and students complete their work through D2L.
Fall 2021 Class Scheduler Updates - 12/16/20
| Video
Spring 2021 Class Stages & Format Webinar - 10/29/20
Class Format Updates and Stage Determinations - due 11/3
Heads, Chairs & Directors were sent a message and request for section updates October 26th from the Provost. The deadline to return any changes and stage determinations is 5pm Arizona time November 3rd.
Contact Alex Underwood if you have questions on the template.
The reduced classroom capacity/density will continue for the Spring 2021 academic term.
Revised Classroom Occupancy Numbers - as of 9.8.20
Classrooms will not be assigned to any Live Online class section.
Reading Days Opt-Out Process
If a class needs to be excluded from Reading Days they may submit a request.
Class Scheduler Update Session - 09/09/20
Summer - Fall 2021 Information
- University COVID-19 Information
- Mandatory Testing for Spring 2021
- Instructor FAQ
- COVID-19 Prevention: Following the Hierarchy of Controls
- Virtual Student Support Services
- University's Program to Test, Trace and Treat the Virus
- COVID-19 Return to Campus: University Employees
- Human Resources COVID-19 Information
- COVID-19 Test Appointment Scheduler
- COVID-19 Testing Locations & Hours