about this guide
University credit is the term used to identify all credit offered by the University of Arizona with the exception of Special Examination for Credit. Only the grades of courses taken for university credit and by Special Examination for Grade are used in calculating the grade-point-average (GPA). Units can be set as fixed or offered as variable units. A course approved with variable units is permitted for set up variation at the section level. Class sections with variable units can remain variable and allow students to select a unit amount within the approved variable range at time of enrollment, or class section units can be set to a specific unit amount, within the approved range, to ensure all enrolling students receive the same unit amount.
NOTE: If your department has a varied unit course, there are a few options for class set-up. Either the units may remain varied, and students select the number of units upon enrollment, or the units can be set (each semester) to a specific number within the approved unit range.
Setting Variable Units
Step 1. To set variable units please email rcshelp@arizona.edu during open scheduling for support with adjusting variable unit class sections.
Note: Some variable unit class sections are left to the student's discretion (in collaboration with the department and their advisor) at the time of enrollment – Common with IND (thesis, capstone, and dissertation). Department schedulers do not have access to update units.
Step 2. Section units reset to the variable units listed in the catalog during term roll. Please plan to communicate with RCS each semester for class sections needing adjustments to variable units.
Step 3. If a department is considering the range of a variable unit course should be expanded (e.g., increase from 1-3 unit range to 1-6 unit range), that change can be initiated through the course modification form in collaboration with the Curricular Affairs unit and in accordance with the Course Modification Dates and Deadlines.
Need Help? Contact Us!
Please contact RCS with any questions regarding variable units. Reach us via email: rcshelp@arizona.edu or phone: 520-626-3313.
created 1/2025