University Holds and Notices

Resolve Your University Holds and Notices


A hold is a restriction that is placed on student records that can prevent enrollment, release of transcripts, release of diplomas, release of financial aid, refunds, and other services at the University. Each hold is placed by a department and released once the hold requirement is resolved. Holds placed by an office must be released by that initiating office. 


A notice is a notification that is placed on student records that can be related to an action a student needs to complete or an action a student has already completed. Notices are not restrictive and do not prevent students from accessing any services at the University. 

Use this tutorial to learn how to view notices and holds on your account in UAccess Student Center.

View Notices and Holds

These types of holds may prevent online or check payments or the release of financial aid. Students may resolve the hold(s) by following the instructions on their UAccess Student Center. A full list of holds that impact enrollment can be found on the listing of holds website

Common Types of holds include: 

  • Fin Aid Disbursement Hold
  • No Check Payments
  • No Credit Card Payments
  • Returned Check

These holds may prevent access to diplomas, enrollment verifications, or official transcripts. Students may resolve the hold(s) by following the instructions on their UAccess Student Center. A full list of holds that impact enrollment can be found on the listing of holds website

Common Types of holds include: 

  • Acct at Collect Agency
  • Dean of Students
  • Write Off

These holds may prevent class adds, drops, or swaps by students and departments. Students may resolve the hold(s) by following the instructions on their UAccess Student Center. A full list of holds that impact enrollment can be found on the listing of holds website

Common Types of holds that impact enrollment are: 

  • Back2UA Mandatory Advising
  • Campus Health-Immunization
  • Mandatory Advising
  • Past Due Balance No Adds


Follow the link below for a complete listing of university holds that can appear in UAccess Student Center.


Listing of University holds