RCS Resource Guide: Understanding Classroom Optimization

about this guide

More than half of the 16,000 main campus classes in fall and spring terms are assigned Centrally Scheduled Classrooms, managed by Room and Course Scheduling (RCS). The more closely aligned the class with guidelines (standard meeting times, historical enrollment, and balanced offerings), the more likely a classroom will be automatically assigned. Not all classes are automatically assigned rooms, a process in the classroom management software termed 'optimization'. This guide offers ideas on what to do if class sections are not optimized and a classroom is not automatically assigned. 

No room assigned? now what?

After optimization is completed, run a UAccess UAnalytics Catalog and Schedule, Overview with Characteristics report. If classes were not assigned a Centrally Scheduled Classroom (CSC), start troubleshooting with these steps: 

Step 1. In the Meetings tab Confirm the class was entered with:
Facility ID 999-RMQRST, Room Characteristic 32, a valid meeting pattern, 


UAccess Screen Image

Step 2. In the Enrollment Control tab, confirm the enrollment capacity matches room capacity based on historical enrollment. 

RCS process in Ad Astra program

Step 3. Consider the following:  

Are DSCs Available to You? Double-check for rooms available within your own departmentally scheduled classroom inventory. DSC spaces should always be utilized first when possible. 

Flexibility Consider options to adjust the meeting pattern, including outside of peak times. There is less competition for CSCs outside of peak times. 


Ad Astra Search the Schedule Grid in Ad Astra for meeting patterns with availability. 

Swaps Can you swap with other classes or sections in your academic unit or subject? Can you swap meeting patterns or rooms? 

Resolution Week Meeting Schedule a video meeting with RCS staff to find a solution.

Plan for Next Term

Make Open Scheduling work for you! Including all necessary fields will allow the program to identify your requests and automatically schedule your classes when space is available: 

  • Standard Meeting Pattern. MWF – 50 Minute or TUTH –75 Minute
  • 35/35/30 Offerings Rule. Distribution of course offerings to no more than 35% MWF and 35% TUTH primetime (9 a.m. – 3 p.m.), and no less than the remaining 30% outside of primetime increases 
  • Ensure the Requested Room Capacity aligns with historical enrollment numbers. Enrollment Capacities and Requested Room Capacity should match. Inflating Requested Room Capacity decreases suitable room options and leads to underutilizing room resources.
Need Help? Contact Us! 

For additional questions on scheduling a room during Closed Scheduling, you can reach the RCS team via email: rcshelp@arizona.edu or phone: 520-621-3313.

updated 7/2024