RCS Resource Guide: Requesting a Collaborative Learning Space (CLS)

about this guide

The Maintain Schedule of Classes tile in UAccess is utilized by department schedulers to request Collaborative Learning Spaces (CLS) during Open Scheduling. This resource guide shows how to request a CLS in the Schedule of Classes; please also work with instructors to ensure their completion of the CLS Preferred Instructor application. Classrooms that are Departmentally Scheduled do not follow this process and are scheduled directly with the department.

How to request a collaborative learning space

Step 1: In the Maintain Schedule of Classes tile navigate to the Meeting tab and provide the following:  

  • Meeting Pattern: Both the Facility ID 999-RMRQST and the days and times must be included to process the request.
  • Instructors For Meeting Pattern: at least one of the listed instructors is a CLS-preferred instructor.
  • Room Characteristics: 
    •    32 for a Centrally Scheduled Classroom 
    •    35 for a Collaborative Learning Space

Note: please visit our Centrally Scheduled Classroom interactive map to preview all of our Centrally Scheduled Classroom's capacity, location, and technology needs.

Instructor Center process

Step 2: Set the enrollment capacity in the Maintain Schedule of Classes Enrollment Cntrl tab.

Enrollment Control: set the Requested Room Capacity and Enrollment Capacity to match. Note: inflating the requested room capacity limits room options.



Instructor Center process
Need Help? Contact Us! 

For additional questions on how to schedule CLS, you can reach the RCS team via email: rcshelp@arizona.edu or phone: 520-621-3313.

created 4/2024