Grade Appeal

Any student may appeal a grade by using the following procedures. Where mentioned, the words college, dean, and department head are the department or college in which the course being appealed is offered. A week consists of five business days or seven calendar days. Grade appeals are not processed during the summer term unless the dean determines a case warrants immediate review, such as those for students cleared for May graduation. Please note that a grade appeal is only available before a student's degree is awarded.
For questions or support contact 

Before Initiating Appeal

Student Responsibility: Discuss questions/concerns regarding the final grade with the course instructor. If the instructor is a teaching assistant/associate and this interview does not resolve the matter, discuss the problem with the person in charge of the course. This conversation should be initiated as soon as possible, as grade appeals must be submitted by the end of the fifth week of the regular term (fall/spring) after the term in which the grade was awarded. 

To view reasons for an appeal, review Grade Appeal policy. Invalid appeals will be dismissed. 

Step 1 | Student

Student Responsibility


If a conversation with the instructor does not resolve the matter, begin the process of submitting a grade appeal by utilizing the forms below. Students must attest in writing that they have informed the instructor of their intention to file a grade appeal. 

Write a student statement and submit it with all documentation to the instructor, department head, and the Office of the Registrar. 


By the end of the fifth week of the regular term after the term in which the grade was awarded.

Important Note

No additional documentation may be submitted after the initial appeal, unless requested by the instructor, department head, or dean. 

Step 2 | Instructor

Instructor Responsibility


Respond to the student in writing using the form below.  

If agreeing to the grade change: make the grade change and notify the student and the Office of the Registrar.  

If not agreeing to the grade change: explain the grading procedures, how the grade in question was determined, and any other issues raised in the student's statement.  


Within two weeks of receiving the student's written statement.

Student Responsibility


If the matter is not resolved, resubmit the appeal to the department head and the Office of the Registrar. Include the instructor’s response. 


Within one week of the instructor’s response.

Step 3 | Department

Department Head Responsibility


Consider the student's and instructor’s written statements, confer with each, and notify the student, instructor, and Office of the Registrar of the recommendation using the form below of receiving the student’s resubmitted appeal. Recommendations made do not have to be followed by the instructor.


Within one week of the student’s resubmission.

Instructor Responsibility


Notify the department head, the student, and the Office of the Registrar in writing of the decision. If the decision is to change the grade, make the change. 


Within one week of receiving the department head’s recommendation.

Student Responsibility


If the matter is not resolved, resubmit the appeal to the department dean and the Office of the Registrar.


Within one week of the instructor’s response.

Step 4 | College

4A: Dean/Designee Responsibility


Review the student's appeal and determine if a committee is needed to review the case. If convening a committee (optional), do so.

If convening a committee, it should consist of five members. Faculty representatives include one from the department of the instructor concerned and two from closely related departments or colleges. The student council of the college provides two student representatives. Student representatives shall be full-time upper-division undergraduate students for appeals by undergraduate students or full-time graduate students for appeals by graduate students. If the college does not have an appropriate student council, the ASUA or GPSC shall appoint the student members. All student members must be in good academic standing in that college. 


Within one week of receiving the student’s resubmission.

4B: Committee Responsibility (if convened)


Within the structure provided by the dean, design rules of operation and select a chair other than the faculty representative from the department concerned. The student and instructor shall represent themselves. At the committee’s discretion, it may: 

  • meet separately with the student, the instructor, and the department head 
  • request each party to submit a brief written summary statement of the issues, and/or  
  • interview other persons who have relevant information. 

If feasible, meet with the student and the instructor together in an attempt to resolve the difference. Consider all aspects, then submit a written report with recommendations and provide copies to the student, the instructor, the department head, the dean, and the Office of the Registrar. 


Within two weeks of being convened by the dean.

4C: Dean/Designee Responsibility


Make a final decision after full consideration of the committee's recommendation. The dean has the authority to change the grade to a different credit-bearing grade, which includes regular grades (A, B, C, D, E), alternative grades (S, P), or optional grades (P, F), depending on the course grading system and the system chosen by the student at registration. Notify the department head, the instructor, the student, and the Office of the Registrar of the decision in writing.  


Within one week of receiving the committee’s recommendation, and within four weeks of receiving the student’s resubmitted appeal.

 Grade Appeal Flow Chart 

grade appeal flow chart - same steps as listed on page

Grade Appeal Timetable & Forms

Responsibility Of Complete StepsTime Frame
Student1By the end of week 5 of the regular (fall/spring) term after the term in which the grade was awarded
Instructor2Within 2 weeks of receiving initial grade appeal
Student (resubmit if needed)2Within 1 week of the instructor's response. If no instructor response within 2 weeks of submission, resubmit grade appeal to the Department Head by the end of the 3rd week
Department Head3Within 1 week of student resubmitting grade appeal
Instructor3Within 1 week of receiving Department Head recommendation
Student (resubmit if needed) 3Within 1 week of the instructor's response. If no instructor response within 2 weeks of submission to Department Head, resubmit grade appeal to the College Dean by the end of the 3rd week
Dean/Designee (assemble committee if desired)4AWithin 1 week of student resubmitting grade appeal
Committee4BWithin 2 weeks of being convened by College Dean
Dean/Designee4CWithin 1 week of receiving committee recommendation
Grade Appeal Policy and Process PacketThe packet has the entire process outlined along with all the forms required for the process
Grade Appeal Policy and ProcessGeneral information about the policy and process
Step 1 - Student Initiation
  • Form for students to start the process of appealing a grade
  • Email to the instructor or TA and copy the department head and the Office of the Registrar
  • Be sure to attach appropriate documentation where requested
Step 2 - Instructor ResponseForm for instructor to respond to student's grade appeal
Step 3 - Department Head ResponseForm for a department head to respond if escalated past instructor

Grade Appeal Deadlines

Students must submit the official grade appeal initiation form by the end of week 5 of the regular (fall/spring) term after the term in which the grade was awarded.  

Term class was taken 

Deadline to initiate grade appeal 

Fall 2024February 19, 2025 

Winter 2024 

February 19, 2025 

Spring 2025 

September 29, 2025 

Summer 2025 

September 29, 2025