RCS Dates & Deadlines

Winter 2025 & Spring 2026 Schedule of Classes Dates and Deadlines

May 5First day of Open Scheduling 
May 6Open Scheduling Kickoff Webinar
July 1Deadline to submit Priority Scheduling Request Forms, Common Finals Request Forms, and Collaborative Learning Space Requests
July 7-18Priority Scheduling resolution period
July 31

Last day of Open Scheduling

After this date Department Schedulers need to complete a section form to request any changes, adds, or cancels in the Schedule of Classes.

August 1-22

Optimization processing and clean-up

During this period RCS staff are supporting classroom assignments and cleaning up optimization bottlenecks. RCS will be all-hands-on-deck to clean up the Schedule of Classes before opening the schedule for review by departments prior to Resolution Weeks.

August 25

Schedule of Classes open for department scheduler review

We encourage department schedulers to review the Schedule Overview available via the Analytics dashboard to prepare for their Resolution Week appointment. 

Starting August 25, 2025, use UAccess Analytics to view/download the Schedule Overview: Analytics > Dashboards > Student > Catalog and Schedule > Schedule Overview. Review assignments and note necessary changes.

September 2-12

Resolution Weeks

Department schedulers can meet one-on-one with an RCS team member to adjust room assignments for winter 2025 and spring 2026. All department schedulers are encouraged to attend a resolution week appointment to address room assignment and class set-up needs.

September 15Section Forms open 
October 1Winter 2025 and Spring 2026 Schedule of Classes goes live