RCS Resource Guide: Updating Instructor Status and Approved Courses


To ensure that instructors can be assigned to classes in the Schedule of Classes, status information must be current in the UAccess Instructor/Advisor Table. The table is managed by the department scheduler in collaboration with their unit human resource coordinator. For a more efficient scheduling process, update the table before assigning instructors. 

How to add/change/inactivate an instructor

Step 1: Open the Instructor/Advisor Table by clicking on that tile on the UA Schedule of Classes homepage or go to Curriculum Management > Instructor/Advisor Information > Instructor/Advisor Table.

Step 2: Search for the person you are adding or changing by EmplID, NetID, First Name, or Last Name.

UAccess Screen Image

Step 3: If the person does not already have an instructor record, continue to the next step, if this is a change, use the plus sign to add a new row.

Step 4: Enter an effective date. This is recorded as the 1st day of the month the term starts. For example, an instructor being assigned in the fall term would have an effective date of 08/01/20XX. 

Step 5: Assign a status of active or inactive.

Step 6: Choose the appropriate instructor type using the drop-down menu.

Step 7: Enter UAZ00 for the academic institution.

Step 8: Enter the primary academic organization in which the instructor is approved to instruct.

Step 9: Choose to make the instructor either available, on sabbatical, or unavailable

UAccess process
How to enable an instructor to be assigned to specific classes

Step 1: Click on the Approved Courses tab.

Step 2: Enter the academic organization (acad org) code for each subject the instructor will be assigned to teach including the primary acad org previously entered on the Instructor/Advisor Table tab. In cases where a single acad org is tied to multiple subjects, the instructor will be eligible for assignment on any of those subjects (e.g. acad org 0419 is tied to subjects JOUR, BJP and GLO).

Step 3: Save


UAccess process
determine if an inactive instructor is assigned to a class

When an instructor is not active or no longer active for a specific academic organization, you will notice a Class Information icon on the Instructors For Meetings Pattern section of your class as shown below

UAccess process


contact us

Please contact RCS with any questions regarding how to maintain the Instructor/Advisor table. Reach us via email: rcshelp@arizona.edu or phone: 520-621-3313.  

updated 9/2024